Insight Seminar: Reviving of cultural heritage

INSIGHT SEMINAR Reviving of cultural heritage: Social and Economic Empowerment of Rural Areas (Re-Cultural Heritage),      Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, 15th-19th May 2023

Insight seminar as a part of Re-cultural Heritage project

Re-Cultural Heritage project seeks to improve the cohesion of the local communities through educational paths that support the personal development of teachers, citizens and minorities towards employment and labour market integration. The project addresses the following needs:

  • The increasing abandonment of rural areas, caused by urbanization and the lack of job opportunities, especially for younger generations
  • The necessity to include minorities in the economic system by developing training paths, in order to access employment and interaction at the social level
  • Promoting awareness on the importance of cultural heritage in innovative and modern terms for the creation of a sustainable local economy
  • Training adults in the field of restoration of the historical, cultural and environmental heritage in order to create new jobs and to improve the landscape and the conservation of cultural places.

To engage the experts and technicians of the cultural heritage field, and to allow wider group of experts to establish connections with colleagues in the same field from other European countries, the insight seminary will take place in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia.

Applicant´s profile:

For Insight seminar, we are looking for 21 participants in total from every project partner country: 6 participants from Spain; 3 participants from Turkey; 3 participants from Greece; 3 participants from Italy; 3 participants from Austria; 3 participants from Slovakia.

The applicants should be experts or technicians of the cultural heritage field. They should have a strong interest in improving their skills and knowledge through training programme enabling them to get knowledge and exchange experience and practice in the field of historical, cultural and environmental heritage in rural areas. It is important that they are willing to share their knowledge, present best practice of their work and to develop cooperation across the Europe.  The participation is co-funded from the project´s budget.

Program of the insight seminar

The insight seminar is aimed to

-To exchange knowledge, experience and best practices in reviving the cultural heritage as an important driver of spatial development,

– To strengthen and develop the innovative competences and skills of the participants in participative cultural heritage management,

– To establish new contacts and partnerships in the field of cultural policy.


The program of insight seminar includes the study visits within the region oriented on the best practice in cultural and historical heritage management, round tables of experts on various topics in cultural heritage and discussions with invited experts regarding the interests of participants.

Application and selection

If you are interested, you can apply here: till 1st March 2023.

The participants will be informed about results of selection process no later than 15th March 2023.

In case of any queries and doubts, please send us an email to